The Girls on Tour - Summer 2009

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

$200 Wonder Car

Speaking of driving safely ...

Rupert and Nadine made it as far as Manning before Rupert's $200 Ford Tampax (as he affectionately calls it) began it's 40km/hr slow-motion slide into the ditch.

"Ohhhh, I'm sorry," was his defeated apology as brake-pumping, gearing down, and corrective steering all proved useless against the irresistible lure of the roadside ditch. Nadine reports that he was undeterred and drove another 20 feet once inside the ditch. Ahhh. Such is the power of denial.

It only added 5 extra hours to their trip.

Nadine used this time to contemplate how to incorporate her new knowledge of extreme reality stunting into our choreography for "Six Jerks in a Jeep".

No injuries ... well, except the Tampax. Er ... Tempo.

Car: $200
Repairs: $250
Blog Fodder: Priceless

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Monday After

After another whirlwind couple of days, the Pacific Contact showcase weekend is over. Sigh.

Nadine and Rupert (our illustrious manager) flew into Vancouver after two crazy days of meetings in Las Vegas (yes, you heard right) to enter another insane couple of days of prep and rehearsal for the Pacific Contact Showcase. We three gals brushed up the condensed fifteen minute segment of our show, rehearsed with the talented Sweetpea Swing Band, and got ourselves onstage on Friday night at 10:00.

We performed to a highly receptive audience who couldn't help but get involved as we, once again, hauled unsuspecting men up onstage to test their mettle. After watching them spectacularly fail at marching and presenting arms, our newly inserted lines got big laughs:

Nadine: "Just be thankful this is the shortened version of the show"
Andrea: "We usually make them suffer muuuuch longer!"

Nothing quite like mocking the people who are there to hire you.

Backstage we had the chance to eavesdrop on the talent that went on before us, but afterwards we snuck into the seats at the back of the theatre to enjoy the final act: H'sao. If you haven't heard of them, please check them out! They'll be back in BC in July, and their music is available on Itunes. Great people, great music!

We agreed that the schmoozing afterwards was most enjoyable because we got to meet and chat with such talented artists of so many different musical genres. And THAT is inspiring.

So this rainy Vancouver morning finds Nadine and Rupert driving back to the Kootenays (drive safely, folks), and Marie and Andrea back to working hard ... er ... almost.

Thanks to the friends who showed up to support us, to the tech crew working the Michael J. Fox Theatre at Pacific Contact for dealing with lav mic belligerence, and to the brilliant musicians in the Sweetpea Swing Band!